organic fertilizer – Bunnydoo Grow More Sun, 25 Aug 2024 12:46:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 organic fertilizer – Bunnydoo 32 32 Key Benefits of Using Bunnydoo Rabbit Manure in Your Garden Sun, 25 Aug 2024 12:46:53 +0000

If you’re looking for a natural, nutrient-rich way to boost your garden’s productivity, rabbit manure might just be your new best friend. Often referred to as “bunny gold,” rabbit manure is packed with essential nutrients that can significantly enhance soil health and promote robust plant growth. Unlike other animal manures, rabbit manure is an exceptional organic fertilizer that is both easy to use and highly effective. Let’s explore the many benefits of using rabbit manure in your garden.

1. Nutrient-Rich Fertilizer

Rabbit manure is a powerhouse of nutrients, making it one of the best organic fertilizers available. It contains a balanced mix of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium—commonly known as NPK. These nutrients are vital for plant growth:

  • Nitrogen (N): Essential for lush, green foliage.
  • Phosphorus (P): Supports root development and flowering.
  • Potassium (K): Enhances overall plant health and disease resistance.

See the Handy Infographic

In addition to these primary nutrients, rabbit manure also contains trace elements like calcium, magnesium, and sulfur, which contribute to the overall fertility of your soil.

2. Ready to Use—No Composting Needed

One of the standout benefits of rabbit manure is that it’s a “cold” manure, meaning it doesn’t need to be composted before use. Unlike chicken or cow manure, which can burn plants if applied fresh, rabbit manure can be spread directly onto your garden without the risk of harming your plants. This makes it a convenient option for gardeners looking for a quick and easy way to fertilize their gardens.

3. Improves Soil Structure

Rabbit manure not only feeds your plants but also improves the structure of your soil. The organic matter in rabbit manure helps to increase soil aeration, which allows roots to penetrate more deeply and access nutrients more efficiently. It also enhances water retention, which is particularly beneficial in sandy soils. Over time, using rabbit manure can lead to healthier, more resilient soil that supports vigorous plant growth.

4. Encourages Beneficial Microorganisms

Healthy soil is teeming with beneficial microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, that play a crucial role in breaking down organic matter and making nutrients available to plants. Rabbit manure acts as a food source for these microorganisms, promoting a thriving soil ecosystem. This, in turn, enhances nutrient cycling and helps create a more fertile growing environment for your plants.

5. Supports Sustainable Gardening Practices

Using rabbit manure in your garden is a step toward more sustainable gardening practices. It’s a renewable resource that can reduce your reliance on chemical fertilizers, which can be harmful to the environment. By opting for rabbit manure, you’re contributing to the health of your garden in an eco-friendly way, while also reducing waste—especially if you have your own rabbits or access to a source of rabbit manure like Bunnydoo!

6. Versatile and Easy to Apply

Rabbit manure is versatile and can be used in various ways in your garden:

  • Direct Application: Sprinkle it directly around your plants or mix it into the soil.
  • Composting: While not necessary, you can compost rabbit manure with other organic materials to create a rich, nutrient-dense compost.
  • Manure Tea: Soak rabbit manure in water for a few days to create a nutrient-rich liquid fertilizer that can be applied directly to the base of plants.

7. Cost-Effective Gardening Solution

For gardeners on a budget, rabbit manure is an affordable way to keep your garden flourishing. If you raise rabbits, you already have a free and plentiful supply of fertilizer. Even if you don’t have rabbits, You can actually purchase one of ours Rabbits for your own. Bunnydoo rabbit manure is less expensive than commercial fertilizers, making it a cost-effective choice for maintaining a healthy garden.


Rabbit manure is an excellent choice for gardeners who want to enrich their soil, boost plant growth, and embrace sustainable practices. Its nutrient-rich composition, ease of use, and environmental benefits make it a standout organic fertilizer. Whether growing vegetables, flowers, or shrubs, incorporating rabbit manure into your gardening routine can lead to healthier plants and a more productive garden.

If you’re ready to give your garden the nutrient boost it needs, consider Bunnydoo rabbit manure for your soil. Your plants—and the environment—will thank you! You can buy it Safely and securely through Amazon or on Etsy.

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Bunnydoo: The Secret Ingredient to a Lush Vegetable Garden Sat, 11 May 2024 18:12:08 +0000 Sun-baked Nutrients

For every vegetable gardener who dreams of a bountiful harvest, feeding the soil with the right nutrients is as crucial as sunlight and water. Among the best-kept secrets of expert gardeners is the use of rabbit manure, specifically a 100% organic option like Bunnydoo. Here’s why this extraordinary fertilizer can transform your garden, and how to use it for the best results.

The Power of Rabbit Manure

Rabbit manure, often referred to as “black gold” among gardeners, is a nutrient-dense, all-natural fertilizer that can immensely benefit garden soil. Unlike some other animal manures, it is typically odorless and comes in small, dry pellets that are easy to handle and apply. Here’s what makes Bunnydoo stand out:

  1. Balanced Nutrition: Bunnydoo is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium – the key nutrients needed for healthy plant growth. The N-P-K ratio in rabbit manure is often around 2.4-1.4-0.6, which is exceptionally balanced for garden vegetables.
  2. Improves Soil Structure: The organic matter in rabbit manure helps improve soil structure. It enhances the soil’s ability to hold water and nutrients, making it fertile ground for plant roots.
  3. Slow-Release: Bunnydoo provides a slow-release of nutrients, which ensures that plants receive a steady supply of nutrients over time, reducing the risk of over-fertilization and promoting sustainable growth.
  4. Safe and Organic: Being 100% organic, Bunnydoo is safe to use in your garden without the risk of introducing harmful chemicals into your soil or crops.

Growing Garden Vegetables with Bunnydoo

Incorporating Bunnydoo into your vegetable gardening routine can lead to healthier plants and a more prolific yield. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Direct Application: Rabbit manure can be applied directly to the soil around your plants. It’s gentle enough not to burn the plants, even when fresh. Simply scatter the pellets around the base of your plants and lightly mix them into the top layer of soil.
  2. Composting: For an even richer soil amendment, add Bunnydoo to your compost pile. It will accelerate the composting process and enrich the compost with high levels of nutrients.
  3. Making Manure Tea: If you prefer liquid fertilizers, you can make a “manure tea” by soaking rabbit manure in water for a few days. This nutrient-rich tea can then be used to water your plants, providing them with a gentle, quick boost of nutrients.

Best Vegetables to Grow with Bunnydoo

Almost any garden vegetable will respond well to the addition of Bunnydoo. Here are a few that particularly thrive:

  • Tomatoes: They are heavy feeders and will greatly benefit from the balanced nutrients in Bunnydoo.
  • Leafy Greens: Spinach, lettuce, and kale will grow more lush and nutritious with the application of rabbit manure.
  • Root Vegetables: Carrots, beets, and radishes will develop better root systems and improved flavor.

Tips for Maximizing the Benefits

  • Regular Application: For the best results, apply Bunnydoo to your garden at the beginning of the growing season and reapply every 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Watering: After applying the manure, water your plants thoroughly to help integrate the nutrients into the soil.
  • Quantity: Use Bunnydoo sparingly; a little goes a long way. Over-application can lead to excessive growth at the expense of fruit or vegetable production.
  • View various ways to apply your Bunnydoo here.


Bunnydoo rabbit manure is a superb choice for gardeners looking to enrich their soil organically and sustainably. By integrating this powerful fertilizer into your gardening routine, you can look forward to a garden that is as healthy as it is productive. Happy gardening!

Shop Bunnydoo Now

Ready to see the difference Bunnydoo can make in your garden? Explore our Bunnydoo Select and Bunnydoo 2×2 varieties available on Amazon and Etsy. Shop now and transform your garden into a haven of health and abundance!

Nature’s Gold: Elevating Your Garden with Rabbit Manure Compost Sun, 15 Oct 2023 20:39:18 +0000 Gardening enthusiasts and sustainable agriculture advocates are constantly seeking ways to enrich their soil and cultivate thriving plants. In this pursuit, rabbit manure compost stands out as a golden opportunity to transform kitchen scraps and yard waste into nutrient-rich treasure for your garden. This natural composting method harnesses the power of rabbit manure to create a fertile, organic concoction that not only reduces waste but also enhances soil health and plant vitality.

Composting Marvels: From Waste to Wealth

Composting is a time-honored practice that allows you to recycle organic materials, diverting them from landfills and incinerators. Rabbit manure, combined with other compostable materials like vegetable scraps, leaves, and straw, creates a dynamic mixture that undergoes decomposition. During this process, beneficial microorganisms break down the organic matter, transforming it into nutrient-rich humus—a valuable amendment that enhances soil structure, retains moisture, and fosters beneficial microbial activity.

The “Cold” Manure Advantage

Rabbit manure possesses a unique characteristic that sets it apart from other livestock manures: it’s a “cold” manure. Unlike “hot” manures, such as those from chickens or cows, rabbit manure doesn’t generate as much heat during decomposition. This means that you can add rabbit manure directly to your compost pile without the risk of overheating and damaging the composting process. This convenience saves time and effort, allowing you to create nutrient-rich compost without the need for an additional composting phase.

Balanced Nutrient Enrichment

Rabbit manure is an exceptional source of nitrogen—a crucial nutrient for plant growth and leaf development. When integrated into compost, it helps balance the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, ensuring efficient decomposition and preventing the compost from becoming too compacted. This balanced nutrient profile results in compost that’s teeming with plant-essential elements, making it an ideal amendment for a variety of crops, flowers, and shrubs.

Soil Restoration and Microbial Harmony

The magic of rabbit manure compost extends beyond its nutrient content. As the compost matures, it works wonders in the soil by enhancing its structure and promoting a vibrant microbial ecosystem. The organic matter in the compost improves soil texture, allowing for better water infiltration and drainage. Additionally, the diverse microorganisms present in the compost help break down nutrients, making them more available to plants. This intricate web of soil life contributes to healthier root systems, increased disease resistance, and improved overall plant vitality.

Application Versatility

Rabbit manure compost is incredibly versatile in its application. You can use it as a topdressing for existing plants, work it into new garden beds, or mix it into potting soil for container gardening. Its slow-release nutrient availability ensures that your plants receive a steady stream of nourishment over time, reducing the need for frequent fertilization. Whether you’re growing vegetables, ornamentals, or fruit-bearing trees, rabbit manure compost provides an all-encompassing solution for enhancing plant health.

Environmental Stewardship

By embracing rabbit manure composting, you’re not only benefiting your garden but also contributing to environmental stewardship. Recycling organic waste into valuable compost reduces the burden on landfills and reduces greenhouse gas emissions associated with waste decomposition. It’s a small yet impactful step towards a more sustainable way of life.


In the realm of gardening and ecological responsibility, rabbit manure compost stands as a testament to the transformative power of nature. Through composting, you’re able to harness the inherent potential of rabbit manure and other organic materials to create a nutrient-rich amendment that breathes life into your garden. As you watch your plants flourish under the influence of this golden compost, you’re not only cultivating a thriving garden but also participating in a cycle of renewal that nourishes both the earth and perhaps, even your soul.

Unlock Nature’s Best-Kept Secret for Your Garden!

Discover the magic of Bunnydoo – the finest rabbit manure fertilizer available online. Join thousands of gardeners in their journey to eco-friendly, flourishing gardens. Available exclusively on Amazon, Etsy, and Facebook Marketplace. Dive into the cycle of renewal and let your garden thrive with Bunnydoo. 🌱✨

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The Natural Elixir: Unveiling the Power of Rabbit Manure as Plant Fertilizer Mon, 28 Aug 2023 19:08:02 +0000


In the world of gardening and agriculture, the quest for natural and sustainable solutions to enhance plant growth and yield is an ongoing endeavor. Amid this pursuit, rabbit manure emerges as a hidden gem, a potent organic fertilizer that can work wonders for your plants. Packed with essential nutrients and benefits, rabbit manure is a gift from nature that every gardener should consider incorporating into their cultivation practices.

The Nutrient-Rich Treasure Trove

Rabbit manure, often referred to as “bunny berries,” is a veritable treasure trove of nutrients that plants crave for optimal growth. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium—commonly known as N-P-K—are the holy trinity of plant nutrients, and rabbit manure boasts a balanced composition of these essential elements. Nitrogen fuels lush foliage and vibrant greenery, phosphorus stimulates robust root development, and potassium fortifies plants against stress and disease. Additionally, rabbit manure is replete with micronutrients like calcium, magnesium, and trace minerals, providing a comprehensive nutritional package for your plants.

Soil Structure and Fertility Enhancement

Beyond its nutrient content, rabbit manure works wonders beneath the soil’s surface. When incorporated into the soil, it enhances soil structure, allowing for improved water retention, aeration, and drainage. The organic matter in the manure encourages the development of beneficial microorganisms, creating a thriving ecosystem that supports plant growth. This revitalized soil structure also reduces soil compaction, making it easier for roots to penetrate and access nutrients. As a result, your plants will be healthier, better anchored, and more resistant to environmental stresses.

Gentle and Versatile

One of the remarkable qualities of rabbit manure is its gentle nature. Unlike some other types of fresh manure that can be harsh and need to be composted before use, rabbit manure can be applied directly to plants without the risk of burning or damaging them. This makes it an ideal fertilizer choice for both novice and experienced gardeners. Whether you’re growing fruits, vegetables, herbs, or ornamentals, rabbit manure can seamlessly integrate into your gardening routine.

Slow-Release Nourishment

Rabbit manure doesn’t just provide a quick burst of nutrients; it offers a gradual and sustainable source of nourishment for your plants. The nutrients in rabbit manure are released slowly as the organic matter breaks down, ensuring that your plants receive a steady supply of essential elements over time. This slow-release characteristic is particularly beneficial in preventing nutrient leaching and runoff, which can harm the environment. Your plants will thrive on this steady diet of nutrients, producing healthier foliage, bountiful blooms, and delectable harvests.

Environmental and Ethical Considerations

Using rabbit manure as fertilizer aligns with eco-friendly and ethical gardening practices. If you’re raising rabbits for pets or other purposes, recycling their waste as fertilizer reduces waste and contributes to a sustainable cycle. Additionally, since rabbit manure doesn’t have the same strong odor as some other manures, it’s a neighbor-friendly option, allowing you to nurture your garden without causing discomfort to those around you.


In the intricate dance of plant growth, rabbit manure emerges as a graceful partner, enriching the soil and nourishing your plants with its nutrient-packed goodness. Its ability to enhance soil structure, provide a balanced nutrient profile, and support healthy growth makes it a valuable tool in the gardener’s arsenal. By incorporating rabbit manure into your gardening routine, you’re embracing a natural, sustainable, and effective approach to cultivating a thriving and vibrant garden. So, as you tend to your plants, remember the hidden elixir that rabbits graciously provide, and let their manure work its magic in your garden beds.

🌻 Ready to Take the Leap? Visit to explore our range of rabbit manure products and start your garden’s journey towards unparalleled vitality. Experience the Bunnydoo difference today!

💚 Amazon: Find us on Amazon to conveniently shop for Bunnydoo’s premium rabbit manure and have it delivered to your doorstep.

🛒 Etsy: Explore our offerings on Etsy and discover the natural magic that Bunnydoo brings to gardens across the globe.

🌎 Embrace the connection between nature, cultivation, and growth. Choose Bunnydoo and watch your garden flourish into a realm of natural elegance. Explore our website at and elevate your gardening experience today! 🌱🌷

Introducing the Miracle of Rabbit Manure Fertilizer Fri, 24 Feb 2023 04:02:24 +0000 Rose Garden Walk, Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America By MatthewWilliams-Ellis
Rose Garden Walk, Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America By MatthewWilliams-Ellis

Rabbit manure is a fantastic fertilizer option for gardeners and farmers looking to create thriving gardens and crops. A type of organic matter, rabbit manure is made of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium – essential nutrients needed for healthy plants.

Rabbit manure is especially great because it has a higher nutrient content than many other types of animal manures. It also makes the soil more porous and better able to absorb moisture, which can help plants thrive in any climate or season. With its balanced nutrient profile and ability to retain water, rabbit manure is one of the best fertilizers available for plant care.

Rabbit manure is also high in calcium, magnesium, and sodium which help reduce soil acidity. Additionally, rabbit manure contains beneficial microbial activity which helps promote root growth.

While the nutrient content in all animal manures varies, rabbit manure is generally higher in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium than other animal manures.

rows of green fresh lettuce in growth at garden By lzf

Rabbit manure also releases its nutrients over a longer period of time which helps build up soil fertility levels over time. It also contains less weed seed and harmful pathogens compared to some other types of manures making it safer for you and your plants.

Rabbit manure is also one of the safest and most sustainable fertilizers you can use. Unlike conventional fertilizers, rabbit fertilizer is completely organic and completely safe to handle and use in your garden.

The beneficial micro-organisms it contains also help to break down wastes quicker and increase the amount of nutrients available for plant root absorption. It also has a lower pH level than other fertilizers which helps reduce soil acidity. Rabbit manure can be an excellent addition to any garden or farm as it provides essential nutrients while also being environmentally friendly and sustainable.

Preparing your Soil for success

Preparing your soil for rabbit manure fertilizer is a very important step in getting the most out of this type of fertilizer. Before applying the rabbit manure, it is best to till and loosen the soil, as well as remove any weeds or debris from the area.

After tilling, add a layer of organic matter such as compost or peat moss to help keep moisture in the soil and create a more nutrient-rich environment for your plants. Finally, evenly distribute the rabbit manure over the soil surface, at least six inches deep depending on your plant’s needs. By preparing your soil with these steps, you will be able to maximize the benefits of this sustainable and natural fertilizer.

young farmer gardener cultivate ground soil rototiller
young farmer gardener prepares ground for planting with a soil rototiller Image By Nestea06

Great for young or mature vegetation alike

Rabbit manure is an excellent fertilizer for new plants and flowers, as it provides essential nutrients while still allowing the soil to remain light and airy. For best results, the rabbit manure should be lightly sprinkled on the surface of the soil before planting and then lightly tilled in to a depth of about 1 inch. Alternatively, it can also be thoroughly mixed into the top 2 inches of soil prior to planting.

Rabbit manure is often effective after planting by being applied as a side dressing at a rate of about one handful for every square foot of planted area. Simply spread the fertilizer around the base of the plants and water it in for best results.

Rabbit Fertilizer may also be used on plants that are already bearing fruit or vegetables. This will help provide essential nutrients to the plants and make sure they have enough energy to continue producing healthy, delicious crops.

Unlike other animal manure, Rabbit manure is a cold fertilizer that is perfect for adding essential nutrients to your soil without the risk of potentially burning your plants. As it breaks down slowly, you can be sure that it will not leach away too quickly and provide consistent nutrition over time.

since rabbit manure is high in nitrogen, it will help promote vigorous growth and leafy green foliage which will help your garden thrive from season to season.

Finally, because rabbit manure contains a balance of both macro and micronutrients, your plants are getting a complete range of nutrition from one simple and natural source!

As awesome as sunshine

Rabbit manure is a widely available and affordable source of fertilizer that is beneficial to any garden. It is versatile enough to be used either pre-planting or as a side dressing after planting, and provides essential nutrition with no risk of burning plants.

Rabbit manure lasts longer than other more conventional fertilizers, and contains a balanced mix of macro and micronutrients, meaning your plants will receive complete nutrition from one source.

In short, using rabbit manure in your garden offers an effective and cost efficient way to cultivate beautiful, healthy plants for the long term.

Where to get yours today

Get your bunny boost with Bunnydoo’s Select Rabbit Manure! Shop now at our Amazon store to receive the highest quality rabbit manure on the market and have it delivered directly to your door. With Bunnydoo Rabbit manure fertilizer, you can ensure your plants are getting essential nutrients in order to help them thrive all season long!
