
Bunnydoo: The Secret Ingredient to a Lush Vegetable Garden

Sun-baked Nutrients

For every vegetable gardener who dreams of a bountiful harvest, feeding the soil with the right nutrients is as crucial as sunlight and water. Among the best-kept secrets of expert gardeners is the use of rabbit manure, specifically a 100% organic option like Bunnydoo. Here’s why this extraordinary fertilizer can transform your garden, and how to use it for the best results.

The Power of Rabbit Manure

Rabbit manure, often referred to as “black gold” among gardeners, is a nutrient-dense, all-natural fertilizer that can immensely benefit garden soil. Unlike some other animal manures, it is typically odorless and comes in small, dry pellets that are easy to handle and apply. Here’s what makes Bunnydoo stand out:

  1. Balanced Nutrition: Bunnydoo is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium – the key nutrients needed for healthy plant growth. The N-P-K ratio in rabbit manure is often around 2.4-1.4-0.6, which is exceptionally balanced for garden vegetables.
  2. Improves Soil Structure: The organic matter in rabbit manure helps improve soil structure. It enhances the soil’s ability to hold water and nutrients, making it fertile ground for plant roots.
  3. Slow-Release: Bunnydoo provides a slow-release of nutrients, which ensures that plants receive a steady supply of nutrients over time, reducing the risk of over-fertilization and promoting sustainable growth.
  4. Safe and Organic: Being 100% organic, Bunnydoo is safe to use in your garden without the risk of introducing harmful chemicals into your soil or crops.

Growing Garden Vegetables with Bunnydoo

Incorporating Bunnydoo into your vegetable gardening routine can lead to healthier plants and a more prolific yield. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Direct Application: Rabbit manure can be applied directly to the soil around your plants. It’s gentle enough not to burn the plants, even when fresh. Simply scatter the pellets around the base of your plants and lightly mix them into the top layer of soil.
  2. Composting: For an even richer soil amendment, add Bunnydoo to your compost pile. It will accelerate the composting process and enrich the compost with high levels of nutrients.
  3. Making Manure Tea: If you prefer liquid fertilizers, you can make a “manure tea” by soaking rabbit manure in water for a few days. This nutrient-rich tea can then be used to water your plants, providing them with a gentle, quick boost of nutrients.

Best Vegetables to Grow with Bunnydoo

Almost any garden vegetable will respond well to the addition of Bunnydoo. Here are a few that particularly thrive:

  • Tomatoes: They are heavy feeders and will greatly benefit from the balanced nutrients in Bunnydoo.
  • Leafy Greens: Spinach, lettuce, and kale will grow more lush and nutritious with the application of rabbit manure.
  • Root Vegetables: Carrots, beets, and radishes will develop better root systems and improved flavor.

Tips for Maximizing the Benefits

  • Regular Application: For the best results, apply Bunnydoo to your garden at the beginning of the growing season and reapply every 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Watering: After applying the manure, water your plants thoroughly to help integrate the nutrients into the soil.
  • Quantity: Use Bunnydoo sparingly; a little goes a long way. Over-application can lead to excessive growth at the expense of fruit or vegetable production.
  • View various ways to apply your Bunnydoo here.


Bunnydoo rabbit manure is a superb choice for gardeners looking to enrich their soil organically and sustainably. By integrating this powerful fertilizer into your gardening routine, you can look forward to a garden that is as healthy as it is productive. Happy gardening!

Shop Bunnydoo Now

Ready to see the difference Bunnydoo can make in your garden? Explore our Bunnydoo Select and Bunnydoo 2×2 varieties available on Amazon and Etsy. Shop now and transform your garden into a haven of health and abundance!

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