A Bit About The Doo

If you think rabbits are quick about making other rabbits, you need to understand how fast they make manure.

Depending on where you search up the info online, the average rabbit poops between 100-300 manure pellets per day. some rabbits maybe more, and the younger ones less. Although we don’t keep count of each rabbit’s doo, it’s safe to say it’s a buttload!

The truth is we started running out ways to dispose of all of the rabbit manure and soon agreed, there had to be a better, more ecologically sound way to manage it all.

hence, Bunnydoo was born.

From avid gardeners, to worm farmers and enthusiasts. To our hydroponic growers and cannabis growers, these little nitrogen packed pellets are as popular to some crowds as our champion rabbits.

We sell our “bunny gold” locally in Florida but you can easily order yours on Etsy, Facebook, Amazon and even just by contacting us directly through this website.

We truly believe our rabbits have the best diet possible, we’ve crafted over a number of years. maybe it isn’t scientifically proven yet, but we know our pellets are all organic end-to end (pun intended) and pack a punch!

From non-gmo food pellets without the fillers other pellet producers use to the richest farm-grown hay we could source, we hope you see the difference in whatever it is you grow when you choose bunnydoo.

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